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Welcome to Goddess Heartistry

A Spiritual Platform for Metaphysical Items and Energy Healing.
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What is Goddess Heartistry? Goddess Heartistry is a spiritual platform that brings you beautiful, creative, high-vibrational healing through remote consultation, teaching and art. We specialize in helping clients connect to their own Divinity by aligning with their own Sacred Space.

If you are seeking to heal the physical, spiritual or emotional body, please contact us today for a Spiritual Consultation. If you are seeking to connect with your higher Divinity through beautiful art and meditation, please visit our store for an array of products such as spiritual candles and handmade jewelry! If you are interested in learning to explore a higher spiritual path, or seeking a teacher, please visit our course selections. We are so looking forward to assisting you on your Spiritual Journey.
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My Story
About Shirl Rhoades

Shirl Rhoades is a Spiritual Healing Intuitive, Teacher and Artist. She resides in Richmond, Virginia with her family.

At a very young age, Shirl began to realize that she was aware of things in this world that most were not aware of.  She has spent most of this lifetime in pursuit of, not only the expansion of her own consciousness, but the consciousness of others as well. She has spent countless hours reading, researching and studying ancient civilizations and their evolution as a species.

Shirl has earned certification in various yogic sciences, spiritual sciences, as well as a Usui Sekhim Sekhem Reiki Master, all of which have earned her the title of Spiritual Healing Intuitive. As such, Shirl is extremely passionate about helping those seeking to heal emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. With the use of specific frequencies and sounds, she is able to intuit the trapped emotions and dis-eases in the body, thus consulting a host of clients world-wide since 2013.

“All in this domain was created by sound. When we as humans fully embrace this fact, we can create the world we truly desire." ~ Shiri Ji

As a Spiritual Artist, Shirl creates beautiful hand-made to order tapestries and meditation pillows that heal and enhance the physical and spiritual being, as well as create a Divine connection. Check out the other Metaphysical Items available on our site.
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Everything is vibration...
The Benefits of Sound Healing

In fact, according to celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, the whole universe is music…

… and your own body is a set of vibrational frequencies.

It’s also “a frame for holding sound, which responds to specific healing frequencies and vibrations,” affirms David.

When you discover how vibration works, you’re empowered to use sound for healing the stuck emotional energy in your system.

You can learn specifically which sounds help you reach a sense of peace open your heart so you can transform emotional issues as they arise or explore the realms of higher consciousness by reaching a theta brain state.

Learn More